Wednesday, October 29, 2008

on citrus and squeezing

I've often said that if I could grow my own citrus I'd save a small fortune on grocery bills. Alas, Michigan's climate is not (yet) warm enough to grow trees bearing lemons, limes and oranges.

Anyway, on the process of extracting juice from the fruit, I own and love this little guy:

It's a simple design, the top part rests on the small bowl that collects the juices. If I was going to complain about anything, it would be that the bowl doesn't hold a lot of juice when I'm going to town on a bag of limes for some awesome margaritas. (If you don't know what I'm talking about you obviously make your margaritas with a bottled mix. You suck at margarita making.) But, having to stop and empty the bowl into the pitcher a few times is better than having my gadget drawer jumbled up with the likes of these things:

Lemon juicer.

Lime juicer.

Orange juicer.

Got that? A different one for each of the three main citrus fruits. (Sorry key lime, you don't make the cut.) I'm here to tell you that the sexy stainless steel citrus reamer above works GREAT for all three (and probably even key limes, though I haven't actually tried that yet) and there's only one to buy and store.

Now, you can go even more rock bottom basic with the classic reamer:

I wouldn't fault anyone for choosing this version (especially the lovely wooden one pictured) but I have to say mine gets the edge for being less messy.

Now, where's that tequila bottle? I'm getting thirsty...


Anonymous said...

Can I use the orange juicer for blood oranges, too? What about pomelos? Kumquats? My citus juicing needs are severly undermet and you're not helping by mocking me and my useless gadgets!

bluemarla said...

They forgot to make a grapefruit juicer!

David said...

I know! It's as though they don't want me to drink Greyhounds or Salty Dogs.


Darla said...

For large amounts of juice, we actually use the Juiceman, which has a citrus attachment (note: also works for carrot ginger, apple, etc.). But for small amounts (child size margarita, etc.), I married into a very small contraption (that works on any kind of citrus) that is a tube about an inch long with a small 'shield' around the perimeter and one end is serrated. It also has a plast 'X' on the inside that serves as a filter to catch seeds, but allow pulp through. You ram this thing into one end of the citrus of your choice and squeeze said citrus. It's quite effective, versatile and takes up minimal space. Plus, it's dishwasher safe and can be used by children!